How To Have Whiter Teeth: DIY-tips & Medical Procedure Recommendations!

By Soha | 02 May, 2019

1150 views | 3 min read

Photographer? Check! Hair stylist? Done! And makeup artist? Booked! Now that you have all your major bookings done, what's the one thing that can really help bring it all together. Yes, that million dollar smile!

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Your smiles mean a lot to us, they really do! So how can we help brighten them more? We got reading on the internet and found different ways that can help you get whiter teeth! Whether you want to knock at your dentist's door or do something at home, we've got you covered, girl! Read on to know more!

What Can A Dentist Do For You?

Teeth Whitening

You might know it as teeth bleaching, it is one of the quickest and most common way to give your teeth that extra boost! This super quick and usually painless procedure involves removing any stains and/or discoloration and brightening the teeth to lighter shades.

While you can find over-the-counter, DIY (use at home) kits, we recommend going to a dentist. Because you never know, the lower concentration of bleach in these kits may not deliver expected results and instead do more harm than intended!

How many sessions of bleaching would you require? Well, that depends on the initial color of your teeth, while usually patients require only one session. Most whitened teeth can last about six months to 2 years, depending on a variety of factors like your diet, lifestyle and how well you take care of them. 

Dental Veneers

Also called porcelain veneers or dental laminates, you can think of them as a thin, custom-made shell to cover your whole tooth, that are essentially used to fix chipped, or irregularly-shaped teeth. These veneers are bonded to the teeth-front and are then dyed to match the color of your teeth. So, if your concern is misaligned, irregularly-shaped teeth that are also stained, here's your perfect solution! BUT don't confuse them with crowns. While a crown is more medically necessary for serious issues like decaying teeth or breakage, veneers are used for more cosmetic purposes.

The process for dental veneers can be time consuming, requiring at least 3 sittings with the dentist. But what you get is a long-lasting, natural smile. But before you make a call, you must know that getting a veneer is a permanent process. So, give it a thought before you make a call.

Is There Something I Can Do At Home To Brighten Teeth?

Whitening Toothpaste

You can use over-the-counter whitening toothpastes that are rich in polishing beads that aid in stain removal. If you have sensitive teeth and are wondering if you can survive dental procedures, then these are your best bet!

Whitening Strips or Rinses

These strips or rinses are rich in hydrogen peroxide that can help whiten teeth. Varying on an individual basis, whitening strips can show effective results within days while whitening rinses may take months to start showing results. 

What Are Some Natural Solutions To Whiten Teeth At Home?

  1. Charcoal Powder
    Just dip your toothbrush in activated charcoal and wait for magic! Activated charcoal cannot solely give you a whiter smile, but it can remove any stain and debris from your teeth. Just make sure you don't swallow it as that can disturb your body's hydration levels.
  2. Coconut oil
    Just swish coconut oil around your mouth for 5-15 mins every day so it rubs and 'pulls' against your teeth and gum, pulling stains out.
  3. Baking Soda
    It works in a similar manner as charcoal and gently lifts stains away from your teeth. 
  4. You can also use orange or lemon peels, or even strawberries to naturally whiten your teeth at home.


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