Pre-wedding Shoots That Are Totally INSANE! (Straight From The WMG Files)

By Latha Sunadh | 12 Aug, 2016

5464 views | 3 min read

We are in every way suckers for an out-of-the-world experience. If not in our lives, then maybe through our pictures. That's why most couples we know experiment on their wedding shoots. While weddings are a big no-no with trying out new things in photography, pre-wedding shoots are where you can go a little hatke. That's how we spotted some ideas that our WMG brides and grooms have tried out - so you can have some great Friday inspiration. Honestly, most of them are quite cool and if I wasn't married by now, I'd try them out too.

Flying Ninjas

Anup J Kat Photography★ 3

Poltergeist might not be your favourite movie but flying things might just make your pre-wedding shoot a beautiful fun concept. The fun idea with flying cups and saucers was great because it sure showed us the lighter side of marriage!

Concept Shoot With Great Production Values

CoolBluez Photography★ 4.8

A whole shoot with a great concept, just like in the movies. This boxing ring showdown as opponents is a sure fire way to get all the attention - it's fun and shows the tougher side of the bride and groom.

Levitation Shots

Cupcake Productions★ 4.7

Levitation is a concept that's being experimented with, and it's super fun and great to try. It requires a bit of post production work and that's where the magic happens.

Languid Dinner By The Sea 

Picture Courtesy:Editmaster Weddings

A whole candlelight dinner setting in the sea with the waves on your side and twilight as a backdrop. Requires a bit of work setting it all up but it's worth a shot!

Post-Production and Pretty

Minchu Studio★ 3.5

This one might look like a simple shoot but the way post production made it look like a hollywood shot is admirable. So much awesomeness!

Nature Love

Moonstruck Weddings★ 5

A jhula in the woods and that too a sophisticated one with all the trappings of a modern life - that's what makes this shoot a delight. Lets just call it "Urban Jungle".

Drone-ing Away 

Radhika Pandit Photography★ 4.7

Drones are a great way to capture some amazing out-of-this world shots - this one by the sea gives it a very "Chura ke dil mera" vibes!

Up In The Air

Rajesh Digital★ 4.7

Who loves hot air balloons? US! Yes this little up in the air adventure is all we need to make our love story a great one, right?

Firework Factory

Studio Roopkala★ 5

Timing the fireworks with the backdrop and the couple is a lesson in patience and this photographer just delivered the shot beautifully.

Fun and Quirky

The Creative Lens★ 4.9

The cute cooking class shoot is one of our favourites because it takes the love this couple have for food into an entire shoot. Cute!

Miniature Us 

Vivaah Picture Factory★ 0.5

We did write about miniature shoots and this one is all post production but what a story it delivers! Definitely quirky!

Underwater Fantasy

Lasting Clicks★ 4.9

Underwater shoots require patience, dedication and a couple willing to do a lot of work - that's why it is one helluva pretty shoot.

Which of these quirky shoots will you try? We're dying to know!

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