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Game of Thrones cast attend an Indian wedding !!

BY The WMG Bride | 23 Apr, 2015 | 4656 views | 3 min read

If there is one thing that can match our obsession with weddings- it's Game of Thrones. Unfortunately we binge watched the leaked 4 episodes of the newest season and now here we sit twiddling our thumbs till the fifth episode is out. So we thought - what better than to combine our two favourite things into one fun post - what if the Game of Thrones cast attended an Indian wedding? What would these fierce characters wear?

Danaerys Targaeryn - In Anamika Khanna

1-danerys 1-anamika Khanna Dany is always dressed like a warrior princess. Think chunky, statement jewellery and a cape with a strong silhouette and cutout detailing. It's only too apt that she would pick, a strong fierce  statement piece from Anamika Khanna. An open structured jacket with a dhoti pant, a pant sari in glistening gold or a cutaway jacket - think one silhouette that screams power.

Arya Stark in Sahil Kochhar


We haven't seen too many costume changes on Arya, what with her going off to find her way in the big bad world of Braavos. But considering how much of a tom boy she is (well more like bad-a** assassin than tom boy), we think she is going to pick something fairly androgynous.  

Sansa Stark in Payal Singhal

1-sansastark1-payalsinghal Sansa looks like she may soon be having a wedding of her own, but her style is somewhat of a mix between the innocent young girl she was, and the powerful woman she is going to become.  Muted pastels, but in sweeping silhouettes by  Payal Singhal would be the perfect ones for her

Cersei Lannister in Rohit Bal

1-realbrides71-rohitbal1 Lots of rich fabric and opulent embellishments for the character we all love to hate- The Queen Bee Cersei Lannister.  

Melisandre (The Red Woman) in Jade

1-realbrides101-jade1 Melisandre likes to keep things mysterious with a touch  of  sexy. These pieces from Jade may just suit her style to the T as she prays to the lord of light to let Stannis take over the realm.

Margaery Tyrell in Gaurav Gupta

1-realbrides111-gaurav gupta Margaery Tyrell (or Queen Margaery as we should call her)  is confident, sexy and politically savvy. She isn't afraid of showing a bit of skin and these fashion forward Gaurav Gupta outfits would be just her style .

John Snow in Tarun Tahiliani

2-Jon Snow-0011-Jon Snow John Snow may know nothing, but he definitely likes to layer and these chic , fashion forward pieces by Tarun Tahiliani would be just the thing! They would keep him warm , and still let him be comfortable enough to whip out a sword. Plus, he would pretty much look good in anything

 Petyr Baelish in Raghavendra Rathore

1-petr11-raghavebdra1-001 Petyr Baelish is sleek and slippery, and these suave Raghavendra Rathore pieces may be just perfect for him

Hope this satisfied your Game of Thrones cravings for the week. Until then...

Valar Morghulis

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