What To Pack In Your Bridal Emergency Kit? We Got A List!

By Latha Sunadh | 07 Oct, 2016

10242 views | 5 min read

It’s finally your big day. After months (or even years) of planning every little detail, disaster decides to make an appearance. Whether it's a last-minute outfit tweak or an unexpected onion pakoda-induced breath situation, every wedding needs a trusty emergency kit. Usually kept close by the BFF or sister, this kit is your secret weapon for tackling unexpected hiccups. Here's the ultimate list of must-haves for every bride's emergency kit!

What Is An Emergency Bridal Kit?

Think of your wedding day emergency kit as your trusty sidekick, ready to tackle any unexpected twists with a dash of preparedness and a sprinkle of TLC. Packed with toiletries and must-haves, it's your secret weapon against wardrobe malfunctions, upset stomachs, or a rogue broken earring. Picture this: a ripped hemline? Your emergency kit's got it covered. Feeling a bit queasy? No worries, your kit has the fix. The best part? It's not just a problem solver; it's a peace-of-mind provider.

Do note that this is not just for your wedding day, have this kit on your pre-wedding festivities too!

So, What All Should Your Emergency Bridal Kit Have?

Image via Pinterest

Body Tape

This one is a must! With bralette-style blouses and gowns that have the most interesting back designs, a body tape is going to hold everything in place when a bra cannot!

Earring Supporters

Those heavy Kundan beauties weighing your ears down? Have see-through earring supporters that will take off the pressure from your earlobes.

Nipple Covers

These will ensure that there are no embarrassing oops moments even in the most daring of blouses!

Fashion Tape

Wearing a plunge neck blouse or outfit? This will stick to the outfit and your skin, ensuring everything sticks on!

Heel Protectors

If you have a beach wedding or a lawn event, have these attached to your heels. This will make sure that your heels don’t sink inside and you can walk with ease!

Stain Removing Pen

A must have! You don’t have some last-minute coffee stain to ruin your look. These pens are handy and work like a dream!

Gel Insoles For Shoes

You've found the cutest shoes, so the last thing you want is to be limping off the dance floor with sore feet. Gel insoles will help keep you going until the wee hours of the night.

Hangover Kits

These will be a life saver if your wedding day is just after your cocktail night. Check out these amazing hangover kits that everyone should have!

Image via Pinterest

Anti-Blister Stick

Make sure to have a blister stick on hand to protect your heels and toes, especially if you are wearing brand-new shoes. Just swipe it on before the event and enjoy a pain-free night!

A list of vendors

Have a couple of lists printed (not on a phone!) which has numbers and names of all your wedding vendors. If there is any issue, you can just hand this list to someone and ask them to co-ordinate and manage. Don’t get into co-ordination yourself on the day of the event. Sit back and chill!

Mini Sewing Kit

Pack them with scissors, needles, thread, buttons, and safety pins. Tuck a compact sewing kit into your bag for those 'just-in-case' moments – whether a button decides to make a break for it or you spot any rebellious loose threads that could use a little TLC.


From stray hairs to splinters, you never know when you’ll need these nimble helpers.

Handheld Mirror

For obvious reasons!

Hand Sanitizer

Clean hands are a necessity when you meeting hundreds of people in one day!

Mini Makeup Bag

Lipstick that you are wearing for touch-ups, compact or loose powder, eyeliner and blush.

Snacks and Water

Nobody wants a hun-angry bride on their hands!

Baby powder

Hot summer days, crowded prep rooms, and nerves can all lead to sweat. A little moisture-absorbing baby powder will help the bride feel fresh as a daisy.

Image via Shop Stevie

Extra Undergarments

Just in case the bra you are wearing decides to act funny that day!

Q-tips & makeup remover

Eyeliner mistakes happen. But they don’t have to stick around!

Blotting papers

For absorbing shine and oil, not your fancy makeup.

Insect repellent

Planning an outdoor evening event? While the venue will take precaution to avoid mosquitoes, having this handy will always be good!

Tampons/panty liners

Even if you don’t need one, someone else will.

Nail polish

One clear top coat; one in the shade you’re wearing) and a nail file.


For those happy tears and any accidental eye pokes with mascara wands!

Mini First Aid Kit

Pack this with Band-Aids, burn relief, headache relief, painkillers, liquid bandages, and antiseptic: Safety first! Also add hydration supplements/electrol powder for those hangovers!

Medicine Kit

Include a pain reliever, allergy medicine, if any and antacid

Wet and Dry Tissues

For freshening up on the go.

Deodorant and Perfume

Smelling good is never an option on your D-day!


For those spots which your salon missed out on and you dint spot it until the last moment!

Super Glue

For fixing shoes, nails, jewellery, head pieces, and more.

Breath Mints

You are going to talk and greet hundreds of people; you should be minty fresh!


Just in case of an emergency

Dental floss/toothpicks 

Just in case those snacks in the bridal suite try to overstay their welcome.

Eye Drops

Don’t let red eyes ruin your beauty prep! (Side note: if you wear contacts, make sure she brings an extra pair, contact solution, and a case)

Power Bank and Charger

This one is a no-brainer!

Extra Earring Backs

You never know when those little guys will go missing.

Hair Elastics, Safety Pins and Bobby Pins

You can never have too many on-hand (Add hairspray and a comb/brush while you’re at it.)

Underarm Sweatpads

Those silk blouses giving you sweat nightmares? Have these handy and you can dance at your wedding without any worries!


When all else fails, a little liquid courage is the ultimate backup. Have a mini wine bottle or a miniature shot of vodka or tequila!

Check out Bridal Emergency Kit, Hangover Kit & More: 5 Kits You Need At Your Wedding And What Should Be Inside Them!

Updated by Apoorva Pagar

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