Some Beautiful Jeelakara Bellam Ceremony Pics

By Meenu | 30 Nov, 2020

9122 views | 2 min read

Each community in India has their own special traditions for their weddings. Many are things that people from other communities adapt and add to their weddings. Like a sangeet for instance. What was in the early days an event in the North of India, now no community can think of a wedding without a Sangeet!!!

Image Via: Beyond Frames

We are gonna talk about one such custom that was added to actress Kajal Aggarwal’s wedding. They added the unique “Jeelakara Bellam” ceremony to their wedding which is of huge significance any Telugu wedding.  They added this ceremony to their wedding to show their connect with the South and Telugu community.

Image Via: Kajal Aggarwal

What Is The Jeelakara Bellam Ceremony?

Image Via: Badal Raja Company

The Jeelakara Belam ceremony is something very special. Cumin which is bitterish and bellam- which is jaggery is mixed together and made into a paste of sorts. This is then scooped into two bêtel leaves, and given one to the groom and one to the bride.

The bride and groom place this on each other’s head at an auspicious time with the pandits chanting verses to bless the couple.

Images Via: Pinterest

It is said that the bitterness of the cumin and the sweetness of jiggery rolled into one sticky paste, as a couple they should be together in both rough and sweet times.

Image Via: Harshareddy Photography

In some weddings the bride and groom look at each other only after the Jeerakala Bellam ceremony cuz, during the Jeerakala bellam ceremony a curtain separates them. It is only after this that other ceremonies like the Thalambralu takes place.

Image Via: vijjimakeupartistry

While we are talking about including ceremonies in our weddings, this is also a super fun one!! To know about the full set of events that happens in a Telugu wedding you should check this out!! Also if you are planning a Telugu wedding next year, then click here to know the Shubha Muhurtham dates as per the Telugu calendar.

When we have such cute customs in other cultures isn’t it nice to add this into our weddings too?  What are your thought son this?? Let us know!!

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